Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Art of Coffee

I love coffee, all the complexities of it, all the different characteristics that each origin represents, let me tell you about my favorite coffee origins, everyones pallet is different, some like it bold and earthy tasting, some like it full bodied and sweet.  My coffee pallet goes towards the sweeter side, which is the basic reason I LOVE African Coffee's, especially Kenya, and Ethiopia. 
There are so many similarities to tasting different types of coffee to comparing different types of wine, honestly, there may be more characteristics in coffee than wine!

Kenyan coffee enthralls with fruit dimensions ranging from citrus to berry along with noted wine-toned acidity.Kenya notes, are almost apricot sweetness, with a dry wine like finish, full bodied smooth finish.

Stop by Utica Coffee Roasting anytime, and I will teach you and help you find what coffee origin is your favorite :-)  

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